

A Change is Happening!

I had quite a long amount of time to fully think my project through before "officially" posting any new progress online. After my last presentation for my professors and classmates, I thought about my project overall and realized that my project has developed into something I never had considered. Truthfully, I was limiting my project to be a single channel stop-motion animation, instead of letting an idea develop naturally, I was forcing myself to create an animation and not considering other options due to the fact that I didn't want to create an installation because everyone in my thesis class is creating installation-based works. But after much needed feedback, I realized that I am more interested in the process of creating, rather then my intended animation, and I wanted to show my process somehow.

So my animation is no longer a narrative single channel animation but rather an installation of both animation and evidence of my process in forms of diagrams and photographs. Much of the details have not been worked out as of yet, but I am exploring all my options.